This screen will allow you to configure every aspect of each unit type. First, choose a unit type from the pop-up menu at the top of the screen. Then review or edit each attribute as you see fit.
Visible Range
This determines how far the unit can see.
Hit Points
This determines how much damage a unit can take before it is eliminated.
Magic Points
This determines how much power a magical creature can exert before it can no longer cast spells.
Build Time
This determines how long it takes to build the unit.
Gold Cost
This determines how much the unit will cost in gold.
Lumber Cost
This determines how much the unit will cost in lumber.
Oil Cost
This determines how much the unit will cost in oil.
Attack Range
This determines how far away the unit can be away and still attack an enemy.
Basic Damage
This determines how much crushing damage the unit will inflict upon an enemy in the event of a successful attack.
Piercing Damage
This determines how much piercing damage the unit will inflict upon an enemy in the event of a successful attack.
This determines the amount of armor that is protecting the unit from damage.
Note: If you choose SET ALL TO RANDOM it will set EVERY random box for EVERY type of upgrade. The reverse is also true. If you choose SET NONE TO RANDOM it will remove EVERY random indicator for EVERY type of upgrade.